It's not an error, when the luatools download lua script finished, luatools'll restart module, and the power reason of this restart is 3.
回答于 2019-01-07 17:20
1. initcmd换成ILI9341横屏的初始化指令集,C参考代码转换为配置表时按照initcmd上头的注释配置延时/命令/数据 2. width/height配置修改为横屏以后对应的宽高
回答于 2019-01-04 00:42
再加个判断等待uart传输完成 再控制485状态切换io while(!IVTBL(uart_tx_done)(uart_id);
回答于 2019-01-04 00:38
spi.send_recv 接口 如果要读取n个字节的数据,那么就在send_recv的发送数据后面追加n个字节的数据,这样全双工的send_recv才能传输对应的时钟信号发起读取 比如问题这里: string.toHex(spi.send_recv(spi.SPI_1,string.fromHex("0B02"))) --读取的值应该为00000000EF17 应该改成(00000000EF17是6个字节): string.t...
回答于 2019-01-04 00:36
try like this. ril.regRsp('S', nil, 1) -- set ATS response format numbericril.request("ATS7?", nil, function(cmd, success, response, intermediate) -- response callback'req ATS7', success, response, intermediate)end)
回答于 2019-01-04 00:30